Share the love

“Some doctors are cute enough to stop your heart but skilled enough to restart it.” 

Nathalie Van der Perre
Account Manager

"Un médecin a dit un jour: "Le meilleur remède pour les gens est l'amour." Quelqu'un a demandé: "Et si ça ne marche pas?" Il a ri et a dit: "Augmentez la dose."

Sofie Barbé
Account Manager

"Nous ne pouvons pas remercier assez les héros de la santé pour tous les soins prodigués, surtout en ce moment spécial. Vous avez un cœur en or!"

Joy Deboysere

"Everyday is Valentine's Day when you have clients like we have"

Natacha Monballiu 
Account Manager

"Do I have a date for Valentine's Day? Yes, everyday with our lovely clients!" 

Tom Janssens

"Tu es mon O2, mon Oxygen, ça ne marcherait jamais sans toi"

Tom D'Hulster

"Our love is a partnership of a caregiver and software who bring out the very best in each other, and who know that even though they are wonderful as individuals, they are even better together."

Besmira Sylshabany
Sales Support

"All you need is love, but a physical therapy session now and then doesn’t hurt."

Lies Maertens
Account Manager

"You've got the key to our hearts and software."

Stephen Vanhove
Account Manager

"Love makes every day sparkle. Just like you do with mine."

Cynthia Lomme
Sales & Martketing Support

"Besides chocolat you are my favourite."

Kim Dendooven
Professional Coach

"Les meilleurs clients, c'est vous!"

Michel D'hont
Vice President