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Women of CGM: Tatjana Magdin - You are the master of your own time

March 21, 2023

Tatjana Magdin wasn`t there when we shot the videos with Women of CGM, because she lives in the beautiful city of Timișoara. But she gladly answered our questions in written. Tania, as her friends call her, is a Senior Product Owner, working for almost a year within the International CGM Business Intelligence Team. And even from the other side of the country, Tania manages to send us all the time her amazing, good vibe and positive energy, that you will feel too when you read this short interview with her. 

Tatjana Magdin, Senior Product Owner Business Intelligence
Being a woman means always finding a way no matter the obstacle and most of all doing it with a smile.

Tatjana Magdin, Senior Product Owner Business Intelligence

3 words that describe you the best.  

Joyful. Analytical. Adaptable  


What does it mean to be a woman in your opinion?  

For me, being a woman means always finding a way no matter the obstacle and most of all doing it with a smile.  


What is the best thing about being a woman?  

The variety of clothing options 😊)  


What should every woman do at least once in her lifetime?  

Travel alone.  


Names of women who inspire you.  

My mom, my two inspiring friends and business collaborators Flavia and Maria, Dua Lipa, Christiane Lagarde, Michell Obama.  


What advice do you have for young girls that are in the beginning of their careers?  

You are the master of your own time, ladies.  


What is your opinion about feminism and the fight for gender equality?  

I guess it’s a natural step in our evolution as humans. In my book, feminism is a way of owning your feminine energy and empowering women to explore their potential.  


What do you love most about working at CGM?  

Diversity; multicultural teams; lovely people contributing to the health segment.  


Tell us 3 things that we don`t know about you.  

I sing almost all the time but never in front of others (for now) 😊); enjoy reading philosophy; Founding and active member of the Sellification4EDU (Romanian ONG for education)  


What inspires you? What motivates you?  

Other people. When i see someone around me managing their personal and professional lives, challenges, getting out of their comfort zone, striving for better – daily human struggles.  


What does success mean to you?  

When a long day is over and no one around you got the feeling that it was hard for you.  

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