CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Easy access to my patients records anytime and anywhere

October 7, 2021

Dr Lebethe
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

When did you start using PMO?

I started using PMO in 2009.


If you could highlight a part of the system that is most helpful to your business, what would it be and why?

Having easy access to my patients records anytime and anywhere.


Why did you choose to use PMO over other Clinical software solutions available in the market?

At the time I chose PMO, I had not come across any other clinical software. But I have since seen some which, in my opinion, were no challenge to PMO.


How does PMO assist you in providing great service to your patients?

Having easy access to my patient records is very important for me, wherever I am. So is having an immediate and easy response to my referring GP’s. Writing a quick note or emailing a chronological report is an outstanding feature. Lab request form issuing and the “Labs” functionality makes the chronological report without having pdf copies emailed to referring general practitioners is a breeze.


How have you experienced the service and support of the product?

Generally very well.


Would you recommend PMO to other professionals? Why?

Yes, I would because paperless or almost paperless is the way to go. PMO is adaptable to any practice. The “auto-correction” feature removes the trepidation about anyone not being a good typist.

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