CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

Learn all about the vision, mission as well as the people who shape CompuGroup Medical worldwide.

About us

Automatic clinical data capture from speech

Autoscriber, our AI engine at your service, identifies clinical facts in real time, including medications and symptoms. It then orders and summarises the data in a format ready for import into the EHR, creating a more detailed and standardised report on each patient consult, allowing for a more holistic patient. outcome.

Enabling human-centric data-driven healthcare

Time Saving

Autoscriber helps doctors minimise admin time, and reduces follow-up calls and visits by patients.

Job satisfaction

Take the burden out of work burn-out created by excessive administrative overload.

Data Analytics
Automatically extract discrete medical data from the conversation for better registration at the source.


Improved Patient Outcomes

Spending more time with your patient will give you a comprehensive approach to patient care and increased data availability for research.

How does Autoscriber work?

Choose from 2 modes of operation:

1. Conversational

2. Smart dictation

Autoscriber extracts structured clinical information directly from speech in real time.


A summary of the consultation will be automatically generated.

I tested Autoscriber this week during my outpatient consultation sessions. This innovation will change how we work with the electronic health record. No more clicking and checking, but have a normal conversation with the patient while Autoscriber extracts the discrete data.

Wilbert Jellema