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George Augustin: What it takes to become a successful Full Time FrontEnd Architect

October 9, 2023

George grew up nearby a fire station, on one of the seven hills of Iași. So, you can easily guess that he dreamed to become a fire man or a tank driver. He embarked on his journey, and he drove through multiple different areas, trying new roads each time, until he found the perfect career and place for him.  

He started two technical faculties, and after one year in each of them, he realized that they didn't meet his expectations. He tried, then, a psychology faculty, but again, this time after two years, he let it go, understanding that he wanted something different.  

His first job ever involved repairing elevators. Shortly, he switched to barista and then bar management, where he contributed to the opening of some of the most famous bars in Iași. Then, he took a different journey – the entrepreneurial one. For 3 amazing years he co-owned a company for interior design called Mr. House, the place where he also started his web journey. Someone made them the website, but the maintenance was pretty expensive, so George learned how to do it. He fell in love with HTML, CCS, Wordpress, Prestashop and he understood that development might be the road for him.  

When his partner decided to leave the company, George had to decide either to continue alone and struggle as an entrepreneur, or to choose completely the IT road that he loved so much, and he was really good at it.  

In July 2018, he joined CGM Software Romania as an intern. His mentor was Loredana Armanu, one of the best professionals on the market, who meanwhile became VicePresident on Software Development.  

After only one month as an intern, George became a Junior on FrontEnd. Then, he became a Mid, and after that he became Mentor for the 3rd generation of interns within CGM. His hard work and dedication soon took him to become a Senior and a Team Lead, and, recently, to the Full Time FrontEnd Architect role on CLICKDOC Consumer.  

Let's get to know George Augustin a little better and see what he has to say about his incredible journey. 

George Augustin - Full Time FrontEnd Architect

Loredana Armanu, VicePresident Software Development CGM Software Romania
I first met George on the FE internship we had in 2018. There was an internship I was a mentor on, and ever since I noticed how passionate and determined to learn George is. I remember at some point I asked George during the internship to act as a Team Leader for the FE colleagues and help them out when they needed it.  Afterwards, I had the chance to do code reviews for George from time to time, even if we weren’t working on the same project. I hope it was useful for him. On CLICKDOC, George grew a lot because he was always willing to learn more and to do everything perfectly. George took care of his team and made sure he did everything he could to fill the needs of the team. Because of that he had the Scrum Master role. Not long after, he became the Team Leader of the Emerald Eagles team. Starting last year, I noticed George’s involvement in the architectural part of the application. George had the proposal to go with the Micro-frontends approach and together with his team, they won a CLICKDOC Innovation Day with it. Now, this approach is used by the entire project. I think George is an inspiration for the colleagues in CGM, because he grew a lot in such a short time. Now, he just got the Full Time FrontEnd Architect position, and he does a really good job there. George is the example that hard work really pays off. I am really proud of his progress, and I will do my best to help him out in the future as well. Congrats George, you deserve it

Loredana Armanu, VicePresident Software Development CGM Software Romania

Congratulations on the new role of Full Time FrontEnd Architect, George. Tell us a little bit more about this new step in your career. Is it something that you wished to become? 

Thank you. It wasn't necessarily in my plan to become a Full Time Architect. But I was surely in position to take Architect decisions all the time. I am talking about team management, organization, general view on things, process changes, risk analysis, connecting the local teams with the German ones and the stakeholders and so on.  

It all came naturally, and I think that it all started in 2021, at the first edition of Innovation Day. I took over the Team Lead role from someone who decided to make a change in his career, along with his idea of separating the concerns of how the application is distributed. We applied for it at Innovation Day, and we won. The jury loved the idea, and we had proof of concept back then.  

In 2022, when Daniel Butze joined the team, we had the first pilot microfrontend. I made a team with Daniel Rietscher, Senior Software Architect, and the rest is history. 

Before becoming an Architect, I was more focused on specific things. Now, I see things from a wider view. Before, I was focused on how I felt. Now, I am more aware and focused on how others feel. And, of course, my focus and my goals are to take microfrontends into production and integrate the features on other applications.  


You were the Team Lead of the Emerald Eagles from CLICKDOC Web for quite a while. What did they say when you left the TL role for the Architect one? 

Being a Team Lead is quite challenging. Besides teamwork, you have to solve motivation and involvement issues, you have to listen, you have to be there for your team and for each individual. There are no successful recipes, just trial and error. For me, it came naturally to motivate people.  

Gabriela Gavril, QA in Emerald Eagles, George`s former team
Working with George had a big impact on my professional journey. He is not just a colleague but a mentor who helped me grow in countless ways. His patience and belief in my abilities constantly pushed me to reach for more. He saw potential in me from the start and consistently encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. Being a Scrum Master, myself, was like riding a rollercoaster, and there were moments when I'd call up George in total frustration. But he remained calm, listened to me every time, offered advice and never made me feel like I was bothering him. His unique perspective consistently added value to our project, and his passion, commitment, and deep involvement in our work challenged all of us to raise the bar. His diverse skill set and commitment to the team's success made him a great team lead, scrum master and colleague. Under his leadership our team won two Innovation days and I was very proud to be a part of this. I can honestly say that our team has been profoundly shaped by our collaboration with him, and we were both sad to see him move on, yet incredibly proud and excited for his new achievement

Gabriela Gavril, QA in Emerald Eagles, George`s former team

You have been in CGM since 2018. In this domain of IT where the migration of the people is so common, what made you stay and continue to be a CGMer? 

I have received a lot of offers these years from different other companies. But none of them could offer more than CGM, so it would really be worth the change. Plus, I always had something to do here. I never felt stucked or stagnating. I always had new challenges, the opportunity and the support to grow my career, surrounded by amazing professionals and knowing that we can contribute together to something really great for humankind. So why leave? 


Looking back to your life and your career, what would you say that it is the most important lesson that you have learned?  

Understanding that you cannot solve all the problems in the world and not trying to rescue all the people around you.  

Also, always find a different angle to see and solve the problems that you don't like. I had many situations with lots of stress, work volume and some tasks that weren't necessarily my favorite, but I always found a different method to take care of them.  

And it might sound like a cliché, but I always had this quote in my mind, that I followed through the years: Never quit learning. Especially when it comes to your personal growth and your career path.  


You have a 7-year-old daughter. What are the lessons and the principles that you are teaching her? 

I think there is a commonsense lesson that I preach to her: to be fair to herself first, and then to the rest of the world. 


Is it more difficult to be a parent or to manage people at work? 

By far, it is more difficult to be a parent than managing teams and stakeholders. Because you must always maintain at least a quarter of a child`s energy, you have to be on the same page as your child and play the right games, no matter how tired you are. Becoming a father made me more responsible, especially because it happened in a period of my life with a lot of big changes and stress.  


How was it for you when you were a mentor? 

I become a mentor for the third generation of interns within CGM Software Romania. I had the privilege to be mentor for some amazing people who are now full-time CGMers: Georgiana Andrieș, Claudiu Loghin, Alexandru Prăjică or Claudia Asavinei. I loved the experience, because as a mentor you learn how to explain to someone else, and you also better explain it to yourself. We are used to doing things automatically, sometimes not knowing why they work like that. But from the moment we explain them to someone else, we finally understand the reasons behind them, and everything becomes clearer and easier to deal with.  

Georgiana Andrieș, FrontEnd Developer and former intern mentored by George
I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt congratulations on George's remarkable achievement of becoming a Full Time FrontEnd Architect. Our first encounter in 2019 during my internship was a pivotal moment in my career. As a mentor, he was not only dedicated to us, the interns, and to our knowledge but also a continuous source of inspiration because I always admired his passion for this domain and the eagerness to constantly learn and grow. I had the opportunity of learning from him and discovering the complexity and depth of FrontEnd technologies.Two years later, we met again in the mentorship program when he was my mentor again. With patience and clarity, he guided me not only to solidify my existing knowledge but also to acquire new ones. His generosity in sharing information and experience was truly invaluable. George was not only my mentor, but he was, and he is also a friendly person. During our breaks, he went beyond technical mentoring, introducing me to his team and other colleagues at CGM. His friendly approach turned work breaks into valuable networking opportunities. After I started to be a FrontEnd developer for my current team, I consistently benefited from his architectural advice when I had complex tasks, this time as a colleague. And even if we are not on the same project, he spent time with me on my project issues. The fact that I could always rely on his advice in implementing various components, and that I had the confidence to seek his feedback, has tremendously helped in my professional growth so that now I have the confidence to take decisions and follow my own ideas. I think his journey to the position of FrontEnd Architect is remarkable and not just proof of his technical skills but also of his ongoing commitment to learning and development. The way he has embraced new approaches and technologies at a rapid pace demonstrates his dedication to staying abreast of the latest industry developments. Finally, I would like to express again my congratulations on this significant achievement and for the exceptional professional journey that lies ahead for him

Georgiana Andrieș, FrontEnd Developer and former intern mentored by George

We all know you as George, the professional that is always calm and smiling. What is behind George as we know him from work? What are your passions and how are you after the working hours? 

Even if you see my calm face all the time, my interior might struggle. It is quite a challenge sometimes to keep calm all the time. I relax myself by cooking for my family and cleaning the house. And I am a big fan of music, listening to everything from rock to trip house, dubstep or techno. Yes, I simply love a good techno party. 

I am also crazy about everything new from my domain, as I read all the news, visions, plans and opinions coming from certified people on the technologies that I work with. Something else that I used to do a lot and I miss doing is reading books on science and astrophysics. Nowadays, I read mostly technical books for my work, but I plan to go back to science books and relax in my spare time with new discoveries.  



He didn`t become a fireman, but he surely knows how to put down a fire in emergency situations. And everybody here agrees that George will do a great job as a Full Time FrontEnd Architect, inspiring both old and new generations of CGMers to grow their careers.  

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