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Everything important about our purpose and mission, the business and the people who shape CompuGroup Medical.
Purpose & Mission
We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
It is not about anything or anyone. It is about health, sometimes even about human lives. We help to heal. This is our claim and our motivation. No matter since when and where we make our contribution - we all work together and on one goal. Courageous and equipped with common sense, we can rely on each other. We are strengthened by a set of success rules and comprehensible decisions. For our joint success - yesterday, today, and in the future.
CompuGroup Medical delivers important software to improve
health and the quality of life. We build bridges between physicians, pharmacies, health insurances, laboratories, rehab & care facilities and hospitals and help them to optimally treat people.
More than 1.6 million professional users in 56 countries worldwide have put their trust in us.
Corporate head office and innovation forum