PACS is a central and essential component of the CGM NETRAAD system. One of the main tasks of the system is archiving medical images in a DICOM format by directly capturing them from any diagnostic device and storing them in the appropriate place on the server's hard disk. Acquired medical images are stored according to various archiving criteria on PACS server disks.
Selected functionalities:
- the possibility to manage the PACS server via a graphic interface (PACS Configurator)
- the possibility to integrate it with the RIS or HIS
- direct digital acquisition of medical images from diagnostic equipment and workstations operating in a DICOM standard (devices by different manufacturers).
- providing archived DICOM images via the PACS network to workstation and diagnostic stations by any manufacturers.
- possible hierarchical access to archived medical images – from access on-line (RAID server array) through near-line (tape library, autoloader, NAS), to off-line (DVD or LTO media).
- automatic support for the archive’s aging process.
- the possibility to define rules such as autorouting and prefetching.
- the possibility of writing examinations onto a CD/DVD.
- providing information on modalities contained in an examination to a diagnostic viewer.
International standards and certificates
CGM NETRAAD PACS has been classified as class II b medical devices and ISO 13485 certified.
Opting for CGM NETRAAD you can be sure that you will get a solution which is based on the highest international standards.