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What happened during the CLICKDOC Consumer Kick-off 2024?

February 16, 2024

This week, the CLICKDOCers from CLICKDOC Consumer were brought together in person in Iași by the CLICKDOC Consumer VP DEV, Daniel Butze, for their 2024 kick-off. Around 80 people from Romania and Germany gathered in Iași to decide together how to overcome challenges in 2024 on both roadmap and development levels, regarding the teams and the product. The perfect hosts, as always, were our three CLICKDOC VPs on Software Development: Loredana Armanu, Adrian Cristea and Ovidiu Drîmbă.  

CLICKDOC is the central communication and information hub that digitally supports the interaction between healthcare providers and patients along the entire patient journey to ensure better treatment.  

As established in 2023, they meet in person every quarter to work together more closely on objectives and to make the work and the product better and better. So, this week, our guests from Germany were the CGMers from Blue Bears Team (the Developers Merlin Kohler, Benjamin Trosien, Christian Draws and Christoffer Manns), Dominik Banholzer (Product Architect), Daniel Rietscher (Senior Software Architect) and Daniel Butze, VP Software Development CLICKDOC Consumer, an old friend already of CGM Software Romania.  

They started the week with a global hybrid CLICKDOC town hall, that happens to take place in the same week, followed by their 2024 kick-off. Daniel sharpened again CLICKDOC Consumer Strategy, and the team leads presented the expectations for each team.  

Then, two full days of more than 15 workshops followed, and the CGMers splitted in separated rooms, depending on the subject they could add value to. All workshops were initiated by the teams with real problems of the teams to be solved. The credo set by the VP DEV, Daniel Butze, for the team is to follow QMDR - quality, modularity, dynamic content and reusability. So, the teams focused on the 4 major topics - Microfrontends, Microservices, Design Lib and Unit Testing: 

  • iOS and Android, our Mobile Teams on CLICKDOC Consumer, centered their workshops on Accessibility for users and Knowledge Transfer; 
  • The FrontEnd teams focused on Reactive Coding, Knowledge Transfer and Design Lib. DesignLib is used by and assures a coherent appearance throughout the application and reduces the effort on Design changes. It is intended for use across CLICKDOC products and can be reused by other departments within CGM. But we will tell you more about it soon; 
  • The BackEnd teams decided to have their workshops on Architecture, Knowledge Transfer and Setup for TEST Environment; 
  • The PO/PA community aligned on the roadmap and how the POs can work more independently and be even more involved in creating value for our customers. 

The pride and the satisfaction of being part of CLICKDOC Consumer

Loredana Armanu, VP Software Development CGM Software Romania, started working on CLICKDOC Consumer in 2019, when she was part of the team that set up from scratch the new improved version of the project. Loredana and the team proposed the new technologies and the libraries, and they moved from Angular JS to the newest version of Angular at that time.  

After a maternity leave and some important work on another project within CGM, Loredana came back to CLICKDOC Consumer in 2022, when she also became the first female VP in CGM Software Romania. In all these years, CLICKDOC Consumer grew a lot, and Loredana is the perfect one who can see the evolution.  

Loredana Armanu, VP Software Development
We started with only one small team in 2019, and now there are 4 teams on FrontEnd alone. CLICKDOC Consumer brought so much value and so many features in these years, and it continues to grow so beautifully. I love how the management of the project works, the openness, the innovation, the growing ideas. I feel the stability and you can tell that we are strongly working now on the strategy, becoming day by day more productive and more efficient. And I love the complexity of the project and how the people always adapted to it, no matter if they were in Germany or in Romania. Because we all feel a high level of pride and satisfaction of being part of this amazing top project that is revolutionizing the e-Health industry, and that is helping so much both the patients and the healthcare providers

Loredana Armanu, VP Software Development

Change is the only constant in life

The week ended with a well-deserved socializing evening, that allowed everyone to celebrate the hard work, the results and the successes. They all agreed that it has been a productive week, and all these periodical meetings in person help them improve communication, trust, productivity and the vibe within their teams. 

The one who made the closure of the week was Daniel Butze, VP Software Development CLICKDOC Consumer, who delivered an inspirational final speech, along with the new team changes and the strategy for 2024.  

Daniel Butze, VP Software Development CLICKDOC Consumer
As I wrapped up our workshop debrief presentation, I couldn't help but notice the mix of tired yet content faces in the room. It's been an incredible week filled with passion as our teams came together to tackle the challenges awaiting us this year.
From technical hurdles to refining our processes, the dedication and collaboration displayed throughout the workshop were truly inspiring. Together, we delved into solutions aimed at enhancing our efficiency and effectiveness. 
In my closing remarks, I emphasized the importance of embracing change. As Heraclitus famously said, "Change is the only constant in life," and Stephen Hawking aptly noted, "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." It's essential that we not only acknowledge change but also embrace it as a natural and necessary part of growth.
I want to take a moment to commend each member of the team for their brilliance and remind them that together, we have the power to navigate through any changes that come our way.  
Let's harness this positive energy and momentum as we continue to create value for our customers throughout the year ahead. Here's to teamwork, resilience, and endless possibilities!

Daniel Butze, VP Software Development CLICKDOC Consumer

We ended another intense and successful kick-off. And even if we feel a little bit tired after all the workshops this week, we also feel full of energy and determination for everything that will happen in 2024. We have our #purpose and our #dedication to the project. And we know that we will continue to create great value in everything that we do, because we know how important this product is for humankind. And we are happy to be a part of it and to work together with people as passionate as we are.  

Together we create the future of e-Health. 

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