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Everything important about our purpose and mission, the business and the people who shape CompuGroup Medical.
Purpose & Mission
We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
Even before COVID-19 we have long known how important IT and secure data exchange are for functioning healthcare systems and research. We have been going ALL IN! for the digitization of our industry since 1987. Because it is clear that e-health simplifies work for all involved and saves lives.
As a leading healthcare IT provider with one of the world's largest e-health networks, CGM acts as a partner lending its support to approximately 400,000 doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and other service providers and offering all solutions in addition to consultation from a single source. From the medical application to IT security and services to the components of the telematics infrastructure, we are at the forefront:
"We will stringently continue our consistent course of growth, continue to consistently invest in software and product development, and thereby take a leading and decisive role in helping to shape future developments", explains Frank Gotthardt, founder and Chair of the Supervisory Board of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA.
After all, the future of healthcare is becoming more intersectoral, more ambulatory, and more strongly networked. Let us look at the example of Germany: There the legislation sets the course so that the digitization of healthcare can truly accelerate. Examples: The Digital Healthcare Act and the Hospital Future Act. 80% of all medical practices have already connected to the telematics infrastructure. The rollout in pharmacies has begun. This process should be completed in two years – and CGM is going ALL IN! for it!
We are advancing the digitization of healthcare with all of our energy. Artificial intelligence is one of the issues of the future that we have been studying and working on for a long time. Our size and reach enables us to develop and implement innovative big data applications and assisting support systems on a grand scale.
Michael Rauch, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA, is certain:
"In the short term we are currently living in a time characterized by unknowns, but the business development in recent months and the unprecedented worldwide acceleration of the digitization of healthcare systems encourage us to further increase investments in innovation for further growth."