CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.

Investor Relations

Digitizing hospitals – a typical CGM project 

April 12, 2021

Digital, ambulatory, networked

As the world's leading e-health company, we lend our support to hospitals as a highly innovative partner. This is both extremely socially relevant as well as a market with a very large amount of potential. With the Hospital Future Act, for example, the Federal Government of Germany has provided EUR 3 billion and the Federal States have provided another EUR 1.3 billion so that hospitals can invest in further digitization, among other things.

Bernhard Calmer, Business Development Manager, CGM Clinical Germany
Healthcare is becoming increasingly digital, ambulatory, and networked, not least due to the COVID-19 crisis. CGM now offers a unique portfolio for this with additional products. We look forward to shaping the future of healthcare together with our customers.

Bernhard Calmer, Business Development Manager, CGM Clinical Germany

Capable during the crisis

During the COVID-19 crisis we have shown how flexible and agile we actually are. Our innovative telemonitoring and video consultation solutions help to ensure the provision of healthcare, relieve the burden on hospitals and protect doctors and nursing staff. In Madrid, for example, we digitally mapped an entire hospital – from the stationary admission to the discharge of a patient – in order to reduce the administrative effort for medical staff in particular. Within 14 days the authorities were capable of managing the enormous patient load.

In addition, we developed backup solutions for hospitals in order to be able to ensure the provision of healthcare in the event that the entire IT department is quarantined.

ALL IN! with head, heart, and hand

It is possible for us to discover, design, implement, and launch these types of solutions that are complex yet fit for everyday use as well as for the future because we think and act quickly and innovatively. Our success is fundamentally due to the fact that we all go ALL IN! on each of our projects with mind, heart, and body and know that we can always rely on each other.

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