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Purpose & Mission
We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
CompuGroup Medical (CGM), one of the leading eHealth companies in the world, is now operating as a partnership limited by shares (KGaA). The change of legal form from a European Company (SE) into a KGaA became effective today after it was entered in the commercial register at the Lower Court of Koblenz. "The conversion into a KGaA gives us the greatest possible flexibility to secure our growth ambitions and solid value development. At the same time, the Gotthardt family will remain as anchor shareholders, fostering the entrepreneurial perspective and maintaining the founder's spirit," explains Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Michael Rauch.
Philipp von Ilberg (57) was elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He worked as a lawyer for various renowned law firms. The previous Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dr. Klaus Esser, moves as Vice Chairman to the Administrative Board of CompuGroup Medical Management SE, the general partner of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA. The Administrative Board further comprises of the company's founder Frank Gotthardt as Chairman and Prof. Dr. Daniel Gotthardt.
To ensure the greatest possible continuity in the company management, the previous members of the Management Board were appointed as Managing Directors of CompuGroup Medical Management SE. The management thus continuously includes the previous members of the Management Board of CompuGroup Medical SE, namely Frank Gotthardt (Chairman of the Management and CEO), Frank Brecher (Managing Director Process and Efficiency Management), Dr. Ralph Körfgen (Managing Director Ambulatory & Pharmacy Information Systems), Dr. Eckart Pech (Managing Director Consumer and Health Management Information Systems), Michael Rauch (Chief Financial Officer) and Hannes Reichl (Managing Director Hospital Information Systems).
"My family and I will continue to always stand up for what has made CompuGroup Medical successful", emphasizes Frank Gotthardt. "We stand for consistent customer orientation, for great entrepreneurial drive, for determined growth and for this fundamental vision: Nobody should suffer or die just because at some point medical information was missing."
The change of legal form will be completed on the stock exchange on Monday, June 22, 2020. From this day, the company will be listed on the stock exchange as a KGaA. The shares in CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA will no longer be bearer shares, but registered shares. This will make it easier for the company in the future to get in direct contact with its shareholders. The former bearer shares of CompuGroup Medical SE will be traded for the last time on Friday, June 19, 2020. The inclusion of the shares of the company into TecDAX and MDAX remains unchanged. The ordinary general meeting of CompuGroup Medical SE resolved on the change of legal form on May 13, 2020, by a large majority.