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We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
CompuGroup Medical (CGM) has today received approval from gematik for KoCoBox MED+ as a connector for the electronic health record (so-called ePA – elektronische Patientenakte). Following installation of the ePA upgrade, KoCoBox MED+ supports the electronic health record application and the digital convenience signature for all users who are connected to the telematics infrastructure via KoCoBox MED+.
Since the beginning of 2021, statutory health insurances have been providing their insured persons with an electronic health record (“ePA”) and, consequently, digital access to their medical data. In order to provide these data, healthcare facilities need the necessary technical prerequisites for transmission into the ePA. This also involves a software upgrade of the connector. Following testing of the functionality, stability and performance of the new features, the CGM connector KoCoBox MED+ has now received approval from gematik for the ePA functionality.
Healthcare facilities that fill in the health-insurance-specific ePA with medical data are thereby implementing another important added-value application of the Telematics Infrastructure (TI). In future, these facilities will be able to make treatment-relevant data available across facilities and sectors with the patients' consent. Duplicated examinations or faulty decisions due to inadequate information will thereby be reduced or even avoided. Insured persons control access to the ePA themselves, thereby gaining sovereignty over their personal data.
In order to be able to read and fill in the electronic health record, various preparatory measures need to take place in the institutions. In addition to an ePA module of the primary system, which enables convenient and depth-integrated filling in of the ePA, this also includes the connection to the telematics infrastructure with an ePA connector.
"KoCoBox MED+ has been integrated more than 60,000 times into the everyday operations of medical and dental practices, pharmacies and hospitals, and provides our customers with reliable access to the TI," explains Dr. Tino Großmann, Senior Vice President Connectivity at CompuGroup Medical. "In preparing for the approval, we were able to benefit extensively from experience gained in the last year in the testing and approval of the e-health upgrade, which was a prerequisite for emergency data management and the electronic medication plan."
"With the cross-sector transfer of medical data into the electronic health records of the insured persons, the TI achieves a new level of effectiveness, which will bring significant practical benefits to medical institutions. The quality of care will improve noticeably across the board and across sector boundaries, because medical data can finally be made available in a highly secure and efficient manner directly via the TI. We are therefore pleased that with this approval, the next important stage of digitization in healthcare is now being achieved," emphasizes Dr. Eckart Pech, Managing Director Consumer and Health Management Information Systems at CompuGroup Medical.