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We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
Koblenz. CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA, one of the world's leading e-health companies, held its Annual General Meeting today, once again in a virtual setting. All agenda items were approved by a majority. Management also confirmed the guidance for the current year and medium-term growth targets.
The attendees at the Annual General Meeting, which was once again held virtually, represented around 81 % of CompuGroup Medical’s capital stock. The resolutions on the appropriation of profits and the proposed dividend of EUR 0.50 were approved with a majority of 99.9 %. The Annual General Meeting also approved, with clear majorities of more than 75 % of the votes respectively, the resolutions on the discharge of the General Partner and the Supervisory Board, on the appointment of the auditors, and on an amendment to the Articles of Association, which are intended to allow for greater flexibility in choosing venues for future Annual General Meetings. The resolutions on the compensation report and compensation system for the Managing Directors were also approved with around 75 % more than 69 % of the votes respectively.
Dr. Dirk Wössner, CEO
In his speech, CEO Dirk Wössner highlighted several examples as to how digitization can make healthcare not only more user-friendly, efficient and effective, but also safer. According to the CEO, solutions that are more user-friendly, more efficient, more effective and, on top of that, safer, generally win through. The healthcare sector is therefore in a state of upheaval worldwide and the e-health sector is a huge growth market with CompuGroup Medical as one of the most important players. This also illustrates the growth potential of the company.
"We have significantly accelerated our organic growth and at the same time decisively strengthened it through strategic acquisitions," said Wössner, summing up the recipe of success in the past fiscal year. "It was an outstanding year of growth for us. We achieved the targets we had set ourselves for 2021, in particular significant revenue growth and very promising organic growth. We exceeded 1,000 million euros in revenue for the first time last year. At 22 percent, revenue growth was almost twice as high as in 2020. And operating profit also rose again: By more than 4 percent to 224 million." And, he emphasized, "we have once again set a revenue record."
Michael Rauch, CFO
Michael Rauch, CFO of CompuGroup Medical, was also satisfied with the results of the past financial year as reflected in his comments: " Free cash flow, which was already very good in the 2020 financial year, was elevated again in the past financial year and exceeded the EUR 100 million threshold for the first time in the history of CompuGroup Medical." And further: "In recent years, we have managed to improve both revenue growth and the quality of revenues generated, reflected in the increased share of recurring revenues, to a new level."
In his speech, CEO Dr. Dirk Wössner accordingly confirmed the guidance for the current fiscal year: "We again expect significant organic growth of 3 to 8 percent in 2022. We are on course for consolidated revenue of more than EUR 1.1 billion. We see adjusted EBITDA at 235 to 260 million euros, corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of between 21 and 24 percent. Our economic course is clearly set on achieving success and growth."
Information on the Annual General Meeting, including the complete voting results, is available at www.cgm.com/agm.