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Purpose & Mission
We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.
2021 has seen strong momentum for digitization in healthcare across Europe. For CompuGroup Medical (CGM), one of the leading e-health companies in the world, doctors and healthcare practitioners are at the center of all these developments. The world of CGM’s customers particularly in connection with Ambulatory Information systems (AIS) is transforming massively. Healthcare professionals now need to handle electronic health records and e-prescriptions, digitize medication and emergency data sets, issue electronic sick notes, administer risk assessment for medication, and to virtualize and mobilize their patient communication. CompuGroup Medical has rolled out numerous innovative use cases for further digitization in 2021 for the first time. The company enables a more digital doctor-patient interaction, the use of e-health records, secure digital communication between healthcare participants and create added value through customer tailored services.
The pandemic has highlighted the need for a more digital patient journey, to allow for an efficient interaction between doctors, patients and other institutions involved. CGM’s digital platform CLICKDOC has the potential to serve as the central communication and information hub along the entire patient journey. To enable convenient use, the cloud-based platform CLICKDOC is deeply integrated into the ambulatory information system. In France and Germany, CLICKDOC usage has increased again last year with now more than 9,000 healthcare providers using video consultation. CGM started rolling out the new online calendar at the end of 2021 and has reached around 3,000 healthcare providers in France and Germany.
In several European countries CGM has developed and implemented vaccination modules, solutions to create official vaccination certificates, admin tools and other support functions for doctors and pharmacies, to support customers during the pandemic. In 2021 CGM rolled out more than 100,000 vaccination modules or features to European customers. Across Europe, CompuGroup Medical enables doctors to handle e-health records by providing them with innovative modules and supporting the various rollout processes in each country. In Germany, where electronic health records are in the rollout process, CGM has sold more than 40,000 corresponding software modules. In France, e-health record modules are fully embedded in CGM’s 25,000 ambulatory systems and as of last year, French citizens have full access to their digital files. In the Netherlands, the rollout of electronic health records was delayed by the pandemic and is planned to start this year. Due to the strong market position, CGM will benefit from the rollout in the future.
“Moving into 2022, we see continued strong growth prospects for our AIS segment,” said Dr. Dirk Wössner, Chief Executive Officer of CompuGroup Medical, “we strive at providing the best services for our customers, doctors and healthcare practitioners across Europe. “
Secure e-mail communication is one of the key elements in the digital journey in countries across Europe. In Germany, the TI-based (Telematic Infrastructure), secure communication tool KIM, the new communication standard in German medicine, is the prerequisite for doctors being able to issue e-sick notes. CGM achieved roughly 30,000 KIM installations. So far almost 880,000 e-sick notes and a total of more than 1.25 million KIM messages have been processed within the CGM network, each representing more than 30% market share. In France, the secure e-mail communication tool MSS will be rolled out second half of 2022 within the context of Segur de la Santé, a significant governmental program for digitization in healthcare, offering further opportunities based on CGM’s strong customer base.
With e-prescriptions becoming a mandatory process for healthcare professionals going forward in several European countries, CompuGroup Medical is providing the corresponding tools, upgrades and modules to its customers. In Germany, CGM has provided the PTV4 connector upgrade in time and received the certification for the rollout of an e-prescription functionality, deeply integrated into the Ambulatory Information Systems. CGM has thus set the basis to enable doctors to handle e-prescriptions. In France, the rollout of e-prescription is expected to start in mid-2022 as part of the Segur program. French patients will be able to manage their e-prescriptions online thanks to CGM’s cloud-based CLICKDOC tool.