CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

We promote dialog in the healthcare sector and ensure that costs are saved in a meaningful way. Everyone should benefit from medical progress with the help of IT.

Investor Relations

CompuGroup Medical successfully places Schuldschein of EUR 300 million

October 16, 2023
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Person tippt auf Notebook

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (CGM), one of the world's leading e-health providers, has successfully placed Schuldschein tranches with a total volume of EUR 300 million. The transaction was the Koblenz-based company's debut in the international debt capital market, in addition to traditional bank financing. The emission consists of three tranches with maturities of three, five and seven years. The three-year tranche has a variable interest rate, while the other tranches were issued with fixed and variable interest rates. Originally, an issue volume of EUR 200 million was planned, but this was significantly increased due to strong demand from Germany and abroad at attractive terms. 

With the funds from the Schuldschein and a simultaneous new issue of a 5-year term loan, the credit facility expiring at the end of January 2025 will be repaid early and the total financing volume will be increased to EUR 1.4 billion with significantly extended maturities. 

CEO Michael Rauch says: "We are pleased to have met with such a positive response from Schuldschein investors. In addition to traditional bank financing, this gives us access to new sources of financing at attractive conditions and significantly improved maturities. With our strong free cash flow profile and increasing earnings power, we are reducing our leverage and are well equipped to further support our customers in the digitization of healthcare." 

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