CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

Find out everything about the vision, mission, and the people who shape CompuGroup Medical worldwide. Investors will also find helpful information, documents, and other publications.

About Us
Press Releases
Dr. Eric Weidmann
Chief Medical Officer
Contributions by Dr. Eric Weidmann
Prescription medication
Opioid abuse: fighting back with EPCS and PDMP
A country in crisis

According to the

e-health | Dr. Eric Weidmann
A happy doctor using a better EHR
EHR headaches: how to enjoy a better EHR experience
Are EHR headaches really that stressful?

May I simply say “nay” to the “nay-sayers” on the topic of EHR ...

EHR, EMR | Dr. Eric Weidmann
Prescription medication
Electronic prescribing of controlled substances: an overview of our success

Prescribing controlled substances is as easy or difficult as you want to make it.

Getting ...
e-health | Dr. Eric Weidmann