CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

Find out everything about the vision, mission, and the people who shape CompuGroup Medical worldwide. Investors will also find helpful information, documents, and other publications.

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Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, CompuGroup Medical has developed deep roots in the local community. With offices across the United States, CompuGroup Medical shares that same connection with cities in Maryland, South Carolina, California, and beyond.

Patient engagement via text messaging
Streamlining operations through patient engagement software

Research has found that a patients’ engagement in their treatment can drive results and improve overall health ...

e-health, CGM APRIMA, Telehealth
Telemedicine for Member Associations
CGM US partners with state associations to promote telemedicine
Arizona Medical Association and others recommend CGM ELVI telemedicine to member physicians

Amidst the ...

Telehealth | Daniel Doll
CGM ELVI Telemedicine
CGM ELVI Telemedicine
CGM partners with Arizona Medical Association for telehealth software
Arizona physicians adopt CGM ELVI telehealth solution to offer virtual consultations, reduce office ...
CGM ELVI, COVID-19, Telehealth | Daniel Doll
A doctor providing a better patient experience
5 ways to create a better patient experience while using an EHR

In today’s day and age, physicians are tasked with large amounts of data entry, participation in quality programs ...

e-health, EHR, EMR
CompuGroup Medical was a major sponsor of Bowling For Barrow
CGM raises funds with Bowling For Barrow
Continuing to expand its support of the local Phoenix community, CompuGroup Medical was a proud sponsor of the ...
CompuGroup Medical
Wearing red in support of all health centers
CGM supports Red Alert 2018
In February 2018, hundreds of Red Alert advocates meet with Congress to demand a fix to the health center funding ...
CompuGroup Medical
CompuGroup Medical US relocates corporate head office to Phoenix, Arizona
CompuGroup Medical US (CGM) has announced that effective January 1, 2015, the company’s head office will be located in Phoenix, Arizona

The corporate relocation consolidates key business units and is ...

CompuGroup Medical