CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Medical Software

CompuGroup Medical is the global leader in eHealth technology and services. Learn more about the medical software developed by CompuGroup Medical including telehealth, practice management systems, EHR, and more.

Doctor and nurse using their small practice EHR
Small practice EHR: 5 things to look for

Electronic health records have disrupted the healthcare market with their immense benefits and ability to engage ...

A patient at home interacting with her practice via online patient engagement.
Using patient engagement to keep patients informed and educated

Patient engagement is key to achieving a sustainable and effective healthcare system focused on providing patients ...

Practice Management
Doctor using her EHR/EMR
Are EHRs and EMRs the same thing?

EHRs and EMRs (electronic health records and electronic medical records) are the two ways of storing patient health ...

e-health, EHR, EMR
Patient engagement via text messaging
Streamlining operations through patient engagement software

Research has found that a patients’ engagement in their treatment can drive results and improve overall health ...

e-health, CGM APRIMA, Telehealth
A healthcare practice's empty patient waiting room
Better patient engagement: reduce patient no-shows

For providers, patient no-shows are a constant, costly source of frustration. Reduce your patient no-show rate with ...

Practice Management
A guide to telehealth vendors in the age of COVID-19
A guide to telehealth vendors in the age of COVID-19
CGM ELVI Telemedicine earns media attention
Healthcare IT News names CompuGroup Medical as a company that can help providers deliver quality virtual ...
Telehealth, CGM ELVI, CompuGroup Medical | Daniel Doll
Telemedicine for Member Associations
CGM US partners with state associations to promote telemedicine
Arizona Medical Association and others recommend CGM ELVI telemedicine to member physicians

Amidst the global pandemic of COVID-19, the Arizona Medical Association ...

Telehealth | Daniel Doll