CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Konzernzentrale der CompuGroup Medical in Koblenz
Konzernzentrale der CompuGroup Medical in Koblenz

Press Releases

CompuGroup Medical makes headlines with new products and services, software updates and enhancements, acquisitions, and other corporate news. Browse recent press releases from CompuGroup Medical.

CGM ELVI Telemedicine mitigates the spread of COVID-19
Telemedicine solution free during initial months of the pandemic
Secure, web-based video consultations empower patients to receive medical attention from home

As t...

CGM ELVI, COVID-19, Telehealth | Daniel Doll
CGM ELVI Telemedicine
CGM ELVI Telemedicine
CGM offers telehealth service to improve coronavirus response
Providers to offer patient care via CGM's web-based, electronic telehealth service at no cost to the ...
CGM ELVI, Telehealth, COVID-19 | Daniel Doll
eMEDIX achieves CAQH CORE Phase I Certification for seamless, secure healthcare administrative data exchange
With a CAQH CORE Phase 1 Certification, eMEDIX Reimbursement Solutions ensures fast, secure revenue cycle ...
Medical Billing, Reimbursements, eMEDIX | Daniel Doll
CGM LABDAQ Laboratory Information System
CompuGroup Medical streamlines its laboratory software
CGM LABDAQ Laboratory Information System offers new features, simpler navigation

CompuGroup Medical ...

CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
CGM LABDAQ Laboratory Information System
CGM advances its lab management software, improves laboratory productivity
CGM LABDAQ Laboratory Information System makes clinical labs more productive in version 19.9, the newest release of...
CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Clinical Laboratory
CGM responds to Court of Appeals ruling in support of ACLA
In a victory for Medicare testing labs, the ACLA lawsuit challenging HHS regulatory overreach moves ...
Lab Software, CompuGroup Medical | Daniel Doll
CompuGroup Medical presents at ArMA 2019 Spring Conference
CompuGroup Medical addresses utilization of blockchain and machine learning at ArMA conference

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) recently addressed how the utilization of blockchain and machine learning ...

e-health, CompuGroup Medical