CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Reimbursements and revenue cycle management are daunting tasks. CompuGroup Medical simplifies these processes and manages them in an effort to maximize revenue and efficiency, leaving more time for what really matters: patient care.

Clients increase profitability with eMEDIX Reimbursement Solutions
RCM software by eMEDIX delivers better claims process
Regional medical center improves claims process by adopting eMEDIX RCM software

"We have been using the ...

Reimbursements, Revenue Cycle Management, Medical Billing
doctor thinking about how to improve RCM
Junge Ärztin am PC.
6 proven tips to improve RCM as a provider

Revenue Cycle Management is a significant aspect of every provider’s business model as you work to collect co-pays, ...

Reimbursements, Medical Billing
A doctor shakes hands with an RCM partner
Choosing an RCM partner: What your practice should look for

Billing and the revenue cycle often take a backseat to everything from patient care to choosing the best EHR, but ...

Reimbursements, Medical Billing
A pensive woman wondering what good is a healthcare clearinghouse
Healthcare clearinghouses: What (good) are they?

Medical clearinghouses are electronic warehouses that allow healthcare practices to transmit electronic healthcare ...

eMEDIX, Medical Billing
Should I stay or should I go?
Switching to a new billing clearinghouse

Switching to a new billing clearinghouse can seem like an overwhelming process. You must choose a clearinghouse that...

eMEDIX, Medical Billing
eMEDIX achieves CAQH CORE Phase I Certification for seamless, secure healthcare administrative data exchange
With a CAQH CORE Phase 1 Certification, eMEDIX Reimbursement Solutions ensures fast, secure revenue cycle ...
Medical Billing, Reimbursements, eMEDIX | Daniel Doll
automating patient collections to improve your bottom line
Automating patient collections to improve your bottom line

Automating patient collections is something that should be front and center for medical practices of all specialties. One of the fastest growing payers in the physician community right now is patients themselves. The...

Reimbursements, eMEDIX