CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Pharmacist who sees happier customers thanks to CGM PRESCRIBE
Pharmacist who sees happier customers thanks to CGM PRESCRIBE

Our advanced, award-winning, e-prescription platform is exactly what the doctor ordered. CGM PRESCRIBE offers:

  • Interaction screening, real-time formulary checking, and electronic prior authorization
  • Easily created personal or practice-wide favorites for common and complicated medication and DME management
  • Worklists that make it simple to manage your refills, change requests, electronic prior authorizations, and to cover for other providers and staff in your group
  • Real-time benefit information so prescribers can see and potentially select from alternative therapies that cost patients less and avoid prior authorization
  • Patient-messaging options that improve patient service and adherence—confirm prescriptions are sent and provide information about the medicine(s), destination pharmacies, and discount options

Manage patient medications and adherence with CGM PRESCRIBE

With a modern, web-based interface, CGM PRESCRIBE is easy to deploy and strikes a perfect balance between clean visuals and an appropriate density of rich information, allowing prescribers to quickly manage one of the most important parts of treating patients.

Best of all, CGM PRESCRIBE is tightly integrated with many of our CompuGroup Medical EHR systems.

Adopt CGM PRESCRIBE for e-prescribing and enjoy the benefits of continuous support and development. CompuGroup Medical applies new features seamlessly without the need to upgrade your EHR.


Surescripts White Coat Awards

Surescripts White Coat Awards

The Highest Accuracy award recognizes the best overall accuracy score among the nation's different prescribing systems. Surescripts honored CGM PRESCRIBE with this award in 2022.

The Structured & Codified SIG Champion award recognizes prescribing software that adheres to strict industry standards for communicating with pharmacies in a structured format. This improves patient safety and prescription quality. CGM PRESCRIBE earned this award in 2022.

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Options for EPCS and PDMP

CGM PRESCRIBE offers smoothly integrated options for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) and Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP).

Required by almost every state, these options help you streamline your operations by integrating your workflows for controlled medications. It's safer, faster, and much easier for prescribers, their staff, and patients!

To see if your state has PDMP or EPCS mandates in place, visit our integration partner at

Eric Weidmann, MD<br>Chief Medical Officer
With CGM PRESCRIBE, I am in control of how my prescribing impacts patient costs and outcomes. I love the speed and beauty of medication list management and ongoing renewals.

Eric Weidmann, MD
Chief Medical Officer

A pharmacist prepares medication for her patient.

With CGM PRESCRIBE, your practice will be equipped with perhaps the best prescribing system in the nation.

Integrated solution

CGM PRESCRIBE fully integrates with many of our popular EHR solutions:

  • CGM eMDs

Our leading EHR, CGM APRIMA, offers its own, unique e-prescribing solution. Ask us about CGM APRIMA and its built-in e-prescribing functionality.

CompuGroup Medical wins 2022 White Coats Award for Highest Accuracy

CompuGroup Medical receives multiple 2022 Surescripts White Coat Awards

Prescription medication

Opioid abuse: fighting back with EPCS and PDMP

Prescription medication

Electronic prescribing of controlled substances: an overview of our success

Lighthouse Lab Services Logo

CGM LABDAQ named 2024 Best Laboratory Information System

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