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The CGM SCHUYLAB Laboratory Information System is fully scalable from a single station to a network of 50 or more stations. CGM SCHUYLAB is ideal for laboratories ranging from small POLs to labs of any size that require integrated billing. Options for multiple languages make it the perfect, international lab software solution.

Lab manager working with two monitors, each showing to of the best LIS software available.
What is the best LIS software?

A laboratory information system (LIS) is a critical component of the modern laboratory. The LIS serves as the ...

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB | Daniel Doll
Scalable LIS Software
5 reasons why your lab needs a modular, scalable LIS

Needs change. Business evolves. Modern clinical laboratories must be able to adapt to evolutions in the industry and...

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB | Daniel Doll
Clinical Lab Data
5 benefits of extracting or mining your clinical lab data

A powerful LIS makes it possible to organize, query, and extract data from a clinical laboratory’s comprehensive ...

CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Accessioning with CGM SCHUYLAB
Streamline laboratory accessions with CGM SCHUYLAB

Does your POL need two phlebotomists to manage drawing a specimen from a single patient? Does your reference lab ...

CGM SCHUYLAB, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Laboratory Workflow
6 ways LIS software improves your laboratory workflow

Quick turnaround times are important. For the clinical laboratory, turnaround times (TAT) are used as a

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB | Daniel Doll
LIS software: the key to interfaces and connectivity

The laboratory information system, or LIS, is a critical part of the successful clinical laboratory. Driving that ...

CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
National Health Laboratory, Timor-Leste
Modern lab software improves healthcare in Timor-Leste

As the newly independent nation of Timor-Leste takes on the challenges of establishing a strong health system for its citizens, Menzies School of Health Research has assisted Timorese scientists and healthcare ...

CGM SCHUYLAB, CGM SCHUYNET, Lab Software | Daniel Doll