CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

Find out everything about the vision, mission, and the people who shape CompuGroup Medical worldwide. Investors will also find helpful information, documents, and other publications.

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CompuGroup Medical

CGM US has offices nationwide and is based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Our global headquarters are located in Koblenz, Germany. CGM delivers important software and services to improve health and the quality of life. We connect doctors, health insurances, laboratories, and more to help them provide optimum care. 

Medical doctor learning about EHR interoperability
EHR interoperability: What we wanted vs. what we got

The US government laid out a plan for an interoperable EHR IT infrastructure with its Federal Health IT ...

e-health, CompuGroup Medical
Clinical Laboratory
CGM responds to Court of Appeals ruling in support of ACLA
In a victory for Medicare testing labs, the ACLA lawsuit challenging HHS regulatory overreach moves ...
Lab Software, CompuGroup Medical | Daniel Doll
CompuGroup Medical presents at ArMA 2019 Spring Conference
CompuGroup Medical addresses utilization of blockchain and machine learning at ArMA ...
e-health, CompuGroup Medical
Owings Mills, Maryland, lab division offices of CompuGroup Medical US
Better Business Bureau awards CGM its A+ rating
Better Business Bureau awards CGM its highly sought after BBB Accreditation and an A+ rating for outstanding ...
e-health, CompuGroup Medical
CompuGroup Medical was a major sponsor of Bowling For Barrow
CGM raises funds with Bowling For Barrow
Continuing to expand its support of the local Phoenix community, CompuGroup Medical was a proud sponsor of the ...
CompuGroup Medical
One vision, one team, one platform – medical software made in the USA
CompuGroup Medical (CGM) is pleased to announce the launch of its new GAT initiative for medical ...
e-health, CompuGroup Medical
Wearing red in support of all health centers
CGM supports Red Alert 2018
In February 2018, hundreds of Red Alert advocates meet with Congress to demand a fix to the health center funding cliff

CompuGroup Medical supports these efforts and would like to invite all of our ...

CompuGroup Medical