CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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CompuGroup Medical

CGM US has offices nationwide and is based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Our global headquarters are located in Koblenz, Germany. CGM delivers important software and services to improve health and the quality of life. We connect doctors, health insurances, laboratories, and more to help them provide optimum care. 

CGM sponsors Arizona Latin-American Medical Association
CGM kicks off collaborative event series by ALMA, the Arizona Latin-American Medical Association
CompuGroup Medical US kicks off its Collaborative Event Series with the sponsorship of an education seminar ...
CompuGroup Medical, CGM webPRACTICE, e-health
San José Clinic adopts CGM ENTERPRISE practice management software
CGM expands US user base for community health software
CGM is proud to announce that CGM ENTERPRISE, its ICD-10 enabled market leading practice management software suite ...
CGM ENTERPRISE, Practice Management, e-health
CGM LABDAQ Laboratory Information System receives Gold Quality Solution certification
CGM LABDAQ LIS earns Quest Diagnostics Quality Solutions Certification
CompuGroup Medical US announces today that the CGM LABDAQ LIS has been certified as a Gold Quality Solution by ...
CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software, CompuGroup Medical
CompuGroup Medical ranks three EHR systems among the top 20 in the nation
CompuGroup Medical EHR solutions ranked highly by Medical Economics
CompuGroup Medical is proud to announce that its EHR solutions have been ranked among the top 20 electronic health ...
CompuGroup Medical added to German technology stock index
German Stock Exchange adds CompuGroup Medical to the TecDAX
The German Stock Exchange adds shares of CompuGroup Medical to the technology stock index, or TecDAX, beginning on ...
CompuGroup Medical
CGM recognizes National Health Center Week in Franklin, Louisiana
CGM recognizes National Health Center Week with federally qualified health center, Teche Action Clinic
CompuGroup Medical supports the observance of National Health Center Week at the Teche Action ...
CompuGroup Medical