CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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A cartoon businessman carrying a large dollar bill.
4 tips to make more money with your healthcare practice

Having trouble trying to make more money at your healthcare practice? Beyond patient care, here are four tips to ...

Reimbursements, Practice Management
A provider connects with a patient during this step of the patient journey
Defining the patient journey

The healthcare market is increasingly competitive as patients become more engaged in controlling their healthcare ...

e-health, Telehealth
A patient uses a blood pressure cuff for remote patient monitoring
4 steps to a successful remote patient monitoring program

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is an effective way to ensure that patients with chronic conditions are able to ...

Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring
A patient uses remote patient monitoring to monitor their blood pressure
Remote patient monitoring: caring for chronic-care patients

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is an effective way to ensure that patients with chronic conditions are able to ...

Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring
5 proven denial management strategies
5 proven denial prevention strategies for your medical practice

Medical coding and billing involve complex processes that differ depending on the patient, insurer, and procedure. ...

Revenue Cycle Management, Reimbursements
Immunology practice understood importance of cash flow in choosing ARIA RCM Services
North Georgia Allergy Asthma & Immunology, LLCHiawassee, Georgia

When starting a practice, there are...

A doctor who cares about healthcare KPIs
Healthcare KPIs: Key performance indicators and their financial impacts

KPIs is short for Key Performance Indicators. Financial healthcare KPIs measure the financial health of your practice. They play a crucial role in identifying and reducing inefficiencies.

Common financial KPIs ...

Revenue Cycle Management