CompuGroup Medical
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Premium Software | Simple Transition

Upgrade to a new EHR and more as Quest sunsets Quanum/Care360

Are you a Quanum/Care360 customer who just found out that Quest is sunsetting its practice solutions in 2023? Don’t worry, CompuGroup Medical can help.

As a preferred Quest partner, we have already helped hundreds of Quanum EHR customers with integrations to our practice management and RCM services.

We know your system and are ready to help you move up to a premium EHR with minimal disruption. It’s CompuGroup Medical to the rescue.

CompuGroup Medical Practice Solutions

EHR and Practice Management

Choose CGM APRIMA your new, standalone EHR system or a totally integrated EHR, practice management, and EDI solution.

Quanum Electronic Health Record
Quanum Practice Management (PM)

E-prescribing Software

Our e-prescribing software is the winner of two 2022 Surescripts White Coat Awards.

Quanum Electronic Prescribing

RCM Services

Our market-leading RCM, billing, credentialing, and enrollment services free practices up to focus on patient care.

Quanum Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)

Special Quanum EHR rescue offer

With our Quanum rescue plan, you’ll enjoy:

  • No price increase
  • Free data migration
  • Aggressive migration timeline
  • Discounted onsite training

Sign up now to start your migration as soon as possible.

Learn More

Your current Quest solutions:
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Transition one solution or consolidate with CompuGroup Medical

Practice Management
E-prescribing Software
RCM Services

CGM APRIMA delivers premium EHR software

Available separately or bundled together, CGM APRIMA EHR and Practice Management is a premium solution that offers a fast, flexible experience backed by our renowned, in-house technical support team.

With strong interoperability, pre-built and highly customizable templates, and adaptive learning, CGM APRIMA is easy to use and adapts to your workflows and preferences. Enjoy a streamlined experience that simplifies administrative tasks and frees your practice up to focus on patient care.

Click less. Care more.

No disruption for Quanum PM users

Quest offered our CGM webPRACTICE solution to you under the Quanum/Care360 brand.

That means if you already use the Quanum/Care360 practice management solution, you can keep it, and you only need to fill out a new contract with CompuGroup Medical. It couldn’t be easier!

Our premium EHR solution can include an integrated practice management system, but if you stick with CGM webPRACTICE, that means zero learning curve and zero disruption for your staff.

Industry leading e-prescribing solution

The winner of two Surescripts White Coat Awards, our e-prescribing software is available as a standalone system or a fully integrated option for CGM APRIMA.

Better workflows. Better data. Optimal patient experience.

The Surescripts White Coat Award is the premier recognition for leaders in e-prescription accuracy and patient safety. CompuGroup Medical earned the 2022 Surescripts White Coat Awards for Highest Accuracy and Structured & Codified Sig Champion.

Outsource your aging AR and more

Although this transition with Quest and Quanum/Care360 presents challenges, it also presents the opportunity to consolidate your efforts with a single, trusted source.

In addition to our leading software systems, CompuGroup Medical offers tailored billing services and credentialing and enrollment services that free your practice up to focus on patient care. Outsource your aging AR or unload your entire billing operation.

You even get your own totally integrated clearinghouse. How many other vendors can deliver all that?

Eric Weidmann, MD, Chief Medical Officer
When a system is able to deliver accurate prescriptions that reduce confusion and eliminate time-consuming phone calls and faxes, it saves us time.

Eric Weidmann, MD, Chief Medical Officer

Quanum/Care 360 PM = CGM webPRACTICE

Quest customers facing the prospect of losing their practice management solution do not have to worry.

The Quanum/Care360 practice management solution is actually our own CGM webPRACTICE. As a preferred partner with Quest, CompuGroup Medical offered its web-based PM system to Quest customers under the Quanum/Care360 brand.

For Quanum PM customers, it's only a matter of paperwork to get you running on CGM webPRACTICE. It's the same great system. Zero disruption.

A life preserver to help rescue Quanum/Care360 customers

Losing Quanum Practice Solutions? CompuGroup Medical is your lifeline.

Rescue offer for Quanum/Care360 customers

Even as Quest sunsets Quanum Practice Solutions, CompuGroup Medical is working to deliver your best offer and the simplest transition. Start your migration today to minimize any disruption.

With our rescue plan, you’ll enjoy specialized pricing for a premium EHR. Show us your existing pricing, and we’ll match it so you don’t have a change in technology costs.

We offer no-cost data migration. We have experience working with Quanum data and will import your information into CGM APRIMA.

This is your opportunity to consolidate EHR, practice management, EDI, and even RCM services to a single vendor. Sign up now to start your migration as soon as possible.

Your current Quest solutions:
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