CompuGroup Medical
Synchronizing Healthcare

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Laboratory Information Systems

CompuGroup Medical is the nation's #1 vendor of laboratory information systems. Its LIS software has been installed in more laboratories than those from any other vendor.

Opening a Physician Office Lab
Opening a successful physician office lab or POL

Are you thinking about opening your own POL? With a lab designed exclusively to serve your patients, your practice ...

Lab Software | Daniel Doll
CompuGroup Medical improves performance of its leading laboratory software
CGM LABDAQ® Laboratory Information System delivers new lab software ...
CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Opening a Reference Lab
Opening a reference lab: 6 things to consider

Are you thinking about opening a reference lab? It's a challenging and competitive industry, but you can get a head ...

Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Laboratory Workflow
6 ways LIS software improves your laboratory workflow

Quick turnaround times are important. For the clinical laboratory, turnaround times (TAT) are used as a

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB | Daniel Doll
LIS to increase lab reimbursements
Using your LIS to increase lab reimbursements

Faced with decreasing reimbursements and limitations in coverage, clinical laboratories struggle to maximize their ...

Lab Software, Reimbursements | Daniel Doll
CompuGroup Medical introduces QR code for COVID-19 test results
New QR code for COVID-19 test results helps verify proof of negative test results

Patients can ...

CGM LABNEXUS, CGM SCHUYNET, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
LIS software: the key to interfaces and connectivity

The laboratory information system, or LIS, is a critical part of the successful clinical laboratory. Driving that importance is the automation, efficiency, and reliability afforded by the software's total connectivit...

CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB, Lab Software | Daniel Doll