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CGM LABDAQ is the leading LIS in the United States. CGM LABDAQ is found in virtually every clinical laboratory environment. Advanced lab management functionality includes data mining, inventory management, and specimen storage to minimize the time spent on administrative tasks. Workflow management automates multi-well plate workflows.

Better Lab Software to Combat Stress
Overwhelmed? Better lab software can help

Is your clinical laboratory staff overwhelmed? You're not alone. Surges in demand for better lab testing have ...

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM LABNEXUS | Daniel Doll
LIS and LIMS distinction
What is the difference between LIS and LIMS?

If you are the owner of a new laboratory, the choice in lab management software is a critical and daunting one. ...

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ, CGM SCHUYLAB | Daniel Doll
Barcodes & Labels for Lab Efficiency
Barcodes & Labels: Increasing lab efficiency

Barcode printers and scanners may seem like a small part of the clinical laboratory, but they are a big first step ...

CGM SCHUYLAB, CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
Are Windows Server 2008 security risks affecting your lab?
Are Windows Server 2008 security risks affecting your lab?
Microsoft ends support of Windows Server 2008

After 12 years on the market, Microsoft ended its extended ...

Lab Software, CGM LABDAQ | Daniel Doll
COVID-19 Testing Program Through LIS
Using your LIS to launch a successful COVID-19 testing program
CGM LABDAQ for COVID-19 Testing

Many laboratories are testing record numbers of samples every day as they ...

COVID-19, CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll
CompuGroup Medical acquires Schuyler House and its successful laboratory information system, SchuyLab
CompuGroup Medical increases its footprint in the US with Schuyler House, SchuyLab; expands portfolio of lab ...
CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software, CompuGroup Medical | Daniel Doll
Regional Women's Health Management enjoys speedy implementation of CGM LABDAQ
LIS software interfaced and implemented ahead of schedule
Laboratory uses LIS software (CGM LABDAQ) to serve 110 OB/GYN physicians and 40 mid-level providers

"As a laboratory manager for over 110 OB/GYN physicians and more than 40 mid-level providers in 45 physical ...

CGM LABDAQ, Lab Software | Daniel Doll