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CGM Clinical Spain has completed the implementation of a new Healthcare Information System at Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Region of Madrid)

7. Dezember 2022 | Andrea Kamphausen

Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid has implemented a new hospital information system with the necessary capabilities to provide continuous patient care as well as the integration of existing departmental applications with the centralized solution. These functionalities should improve the use of healthcare resources and the resolution capacity of the healthcare system.

Hospital Clínico San Carlos is a center of recognized prestige that has been chosen by the Public Healthcare Board at Community of Madrid (SERMAS) to lead the concept of 'CGM Selene Center of Excellence' and, in this way, to be at the forefront of the use of digital health technology as the basis for the transformation of clinical practice that the 21st century demands.

The new information system is an advanced version of the CGM Selene HIS software, already implemented in 18 hospitals in the region of Madrid and in more than 60 hospitals throughout the Spanish National Health System. In this new version of the CGM product, the hospital information system and the Electronic Medical Record have functionalities related to the necessary digital transformation in health, which serve as the basis for SERMAS for the evolution of its systems, adapting some of the paradigms such as clinical decision support systems based on scientific evidence, clinical pathways or improved interoperability between information systems through the application of the FHIR standard.

From a technological point of view, the new version includes:

  • New user interface that allows a more intuitive, modern and fast navigation through the Electronic Health Record, deployed with the latest versions of the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Better integration with other information systems (for example, departmental systems), easier and faster, based on a standard microservices architecture based on FHIR resources that also includes a Token server aimed at managing the security of the different accesses.

From a functional point of view, the new version includes:

  • A clinical decision support system based on clinical rules and evidence, CGM Discern, with improvements in the direct creation of forms, requests and care groupings and other improvements in the visualization and access to information. As an example, a circuit for early detection, assessment and management of alerts for sepsis and pre-shock has been implemented based on the Sofa, News and other analytical parameters in the field of emergencies.
  • New functionalities have also been launched that improve usability in the field of emergencies, such as the automatic reception of external transfers and diagnostic automation or the automatic transfer associated with the pre-discharge indication.
  • Finally, this new version includes a mortuary health module, which allows the management of the different anatomical remains of patients, their locations and destinations.

An area of ​​special interest is the integration with the Advanced Data Analytics of SERMAS, also implemented by CGM and based on Cloudera. In this sense, the hospital has been integrated with the Health Datalakehouse platform, so that its professionals will be able to use all the capacities in terms of access to a large volume of health data (Big Data) as well as advanced tools in the areas of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive health data analytics.

The hospital, through its Innovation Unit, is a leader at the National Health System in the area of of products and services development, capable of generating better outcomes for patients and will lead projects applying Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools within the SERMAS ecosystem.

Hospital Clínico San Carlos Center of Excellence will allow further progress in innovation in digital health transformation to develop and implement new functionalities and reference solutions that can be easily deployed in other hospitals of the Region of Madrid.


About Hospital Clínico San Carlos

HCSC is a one of the most prestigious University Hospitals in the Spanish National Healthcare System belonging to the Public Healthcare Board in the Region of Madrid. Since its constitution in 1787 has among its objectives the improvement of care, teaching and research. Rebuilt in the 1960s, standing in its current location, it has been modified and adapted to the demands of Madrid society, being a national and international benchmark for the level of its facilities and its professionals. With a capability of 900 bedsand more than 5,000 professionals, is the reference hospital for a population of 375.000 people. HCSC is the main center in the training of healthcare professionals at the Complutense University of Madrid.

The building is built in a monoblock with a surface area of ​​175,000 square meters, and its structures are being transformed from the annual investment programs to favor infrastructure improvements, incorporating new technologies and equipment, making the Center more comfortable for patients and relatives.

About Servicio Madrileño de Salud – SERMAS

SERMAS is the Public Healthcare Board in the Region of Madrid responsible for health promotion and prevention, primary and acute care, mental health and emergencies management to the 6,7 million people living at the region. SERMAS is a large organization with more than 80.000 professionals in 35 hospitals, 266 primary care centers and 164 clinics, 30 specialty centers, a centralized radiodiagnosis center and a central clinical analytics laboratory.

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